Casting for Space Academy Rejects

I was recently made aware that I’ve managed to write an entire novel without ever physically describing my main character. Space Academy Rejects is written in first person, present tense, so it was easier than you might think to accidentally accomplish this...

#PitchWars Wrap-Up & Celebration

Okay. I think I’m finally ready to talk about #PitchWars, the novel contest that has been consuming my life for the past two months. Between the agent round of #PitchWars and the start of NaNoWriMo, my feelings lately have been a lot like this: But here’s the real...

NaNoNooooooo: How is it already November?

The beginning of November brings two major things in my writing life: NaNoWriMo, the yearly challenge to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days, and the #PitchWars agent round. Since I’m doing my best to REMAIN CALM, DAMN IT regarding the latter…...

NaNoWriMo Printable Tools

As I’ve mentioned before, I was selected as one of the Municipal Liaisons for National Novel Writing Month, so I’ll be coordinating events for the South Jersey region as well as my own library this year. I wanted to make some fun extras to motivate people...

#PitchWars Interview with Sarah Glenn Marsh!

Hello, creatures! Sarah Glenn Marsh and I did a joint mentor/mentee interview as part of the whole #PitchWars shindig, and it’s now up for your reading pleasure on Brenda Drake’s blog. Thanks to Marnise Nicole for coordinating the interview, and to Brenda...