Pitch Wars 2018 is coming!

🎉 It’s that time of year again! 🎉 I’m thrilled to announce that my dearest Jamie Pacton and I are returning for our third year as Pitch Wars co-mentors! We were both mentees ourselves in 2015, and mentoring is our way of giving back to a...

April Year of Space Goodies — Space Crafts!

Not to be confused with spacecrafts.  WELCOME TO APRIL!  New month means new Year of Space goodies, and this is a special month indeed. It’s GLOBAL ASTRONOMY MONTH, and in honor of that my library teens and I have planned a program later this month. At that...

March Year of Space Goods!

Happy March!  Okay, March sneaks up on me EVERY YEAR because February is so short and it’s not faaaair. BUT, I am still ready with your March Year of Space Goodies, and I’m featuring one of my favorite things. Here we go!   Why the Year of Space? Because I...