The “Keep in Mind” List

I have a quick little something to share today that’s been helping me tons with both drafting new projects and revising THE DISASTERS: The “Keep in Mind” List The idea for this came out of two things. First was something I read on Maggie Stiefvater’s tumblr a long...

The Problem With “Good” Media

Hi folks. I’ve gotta rant for a minute so I can get this out of my brain and focus on drafting today. I actively put my money toward things I want to support. Books by authors of color, movies directed by women, video games with queer characters, and so on. And yet,...

Why I Write YA

Someone on my fandom tumblr just asked me why I write YA and what the primary characteristics are. I, of course, LOVE to nerd out about this very topic and yet have NEVER put into words what I love about YA. So, here: First, let’s define YA fiction as best we can....

Charitable Giving for the Holidays

2017 update: Greetings, folks! I just gave this a re-read and I still stand by these causes for my 2017 donation gifts. I’ll be featuring one of these causes in my first newsletter issue, out on 12/18/17, which you can subscribe to here!...