by MK England | Jan 1, 2018 | Book Extras, The Disasters
Hello, my friends! It is a shiny new year, and not just any year, but 2018—my debut year! I can officially say that THE DISASTERS releases this year and I AM EXCITE. So much, in fact, that I gotta do something.  I am hereby declaring 2018 the Year of Space, and to...
by MK England | Oct 9, 2017 | Book Extras, News, PR/Marketing, Publishing, The Disasters
DISASTERS THINGS ARE HAPPENING. So much has gone on behind the scenes over the past two months and I’m so excited to tell you EVERYTHING! If you want to be the first one to know all the things, I’ve created a shiny new monthly newsletter for you to sign up...
by MK England | Nov 28, 2015 | Book Extras, Writing Process
I was recently made aware that I’ve managed to write an entire novel without ever physically describing my main character. Space Academy Rejects is written in first person, present tense, so it was easier than you might think to accidentally accomplish this...