#PitchWars Wrap-Up & Celebration

Okay. I think I’m finally ready to talk about #PitchWars, the novel contest that has been consuming my life for the past two months. Between the agent round of #PitchWars and the start of NaNoWriMo, my feelings lately have been a lot like this: But here’s the real...

#PitchWars Edits Begin!

I managed to break the back end of my site for a few days, so this post is long over due, but … I was selected as a 2015 #PitchWars mentee! The evening of the announcement went something like this: THANK YOU SO MUCH @SG_Marsh I’M SOBBING #PitchWars — MK...

A Place for Fandom, pt. 1

Full disclosure: I have been a gigantic nerd for my entire life. My family introduced me to Star Wars at a very young age, and I immediately fell into reading all the extended universe novels, buying the toys, playing X-Wings on my bike, and otherwise revelling in my...

Addicted to Progress

Give me a wordcount hit, I need it! Need the rush, need that high, need the validation–I can do this, I will do this. Like most people, I get into awful ruts where it’s nearly impossible to force myself to write, edit, or be in any way creative. For me, it’s...