Idea Seeds and Updates

It’s been a while. I know. Forgive me. Things got pretty real in the beginning of 2016. So what’s happened? Two things, mainly. I completed my R&R for Space Academy Rejects, which includes a completely new second half and tons of fantastic revisions to the front....

Casting for Space Academy Rejects

I was recently made aware that I’ve managed to write an entire novel without ever physically describing my main character. Space Academy Rejects is written in first person, present tense, so it was easier than you might think to accidentally accomplish this...

#PitchWars Wrap-Up & Celebration

Okay. I think I’m finally ready to talk about #PitchWars, the novel contest that has been consuming my life for the past two months. Between the agent round of #PitchWars and the start of NaNoWriMo, my feelings lately have been a lot like this: But here’s the real...