by MK England | Aug 17, 2016 | Editing, Pitch Wars
Last year (2015) when I was waiting for Pitch Wars mentee selections to be announced, I was chomping at the bit, wanting so badly to get started on a new round of edits. Sure, I did some half-hearted planning for NaNoWriMo to distract myself, but what I really wanted...
by MK England | Aug 11, 2016 | Pitch Wars, Queries & Synopses
I honestly never thought I’d say those words. It’s true, my attitude toward synopses has evolved over the years. At first, I utterly loathed them. Then, after my crit partner’s synopsis revealed a major plot issue I’d failed to spot while reading the actual...
by MK England | Jul 28, 2016 | Interviews, Pitch Wars, Publishing, Questions Answered, Videos, Writing Process
Last night I was on Pitch Wars Live answering your questions from Twitter about Pitch Wars wish lists, submissions, and the craft of writing. It was a TON of fun, and we got some really great questions! I haven’t been able to go back and watch it because I know...
by MK England | Jul 27, 2016 | Editing, Pitch Wars, Writing Process
I’ve written about critiquing and revising several times before. There’s a reason for that—in the last two years, I’ve personally had to come to terms with how critiquing works, how it feels, what I should take from it, and what role it plays in an author’s career....
by MK England | Jul 19, 2016 | Pitch Wars
We are YA co-mentors M.K. England and Jamie Pacton. We’re Pitch Wars 2015 alums turned agented authors, and we’re here for all your YA submissions! We are smart. We are funny. We read all the things. We will make you work, but you will have a better book by the end....